Rose Kamma-Morrison
“This valley is a rich source of inspiration, awaiting discovery by those who look around.  An intersection of social diversity and emotion presents a fascinating subject to derive inspiration to create art. “ Rose Kamma-Morrison.

Rose Kamma-Morrison, Visual Artist, has been creating art all her life.

2011 was when she turned professional and her career has been steady since. Throughout her school years she would take on any art courses she could. Later on she enrolled in some fine art courses at North Island College, as well as any pop up workshops that could further her skills in a particular medium. 

Rose creates all her works in her home studio. When it comes to art and her process, what she enjoys most is,”…the journey from conceptualization to realization. How my mental image of a concept unfolds and takes shape on canvas is truly fulfilling.” Rose states. She finds inspiration In the natural beauty of The Alberni Valley as well as the people here. Her subject for her art has changed from portraits and landscapes, to the abstract. Enjoying the conversations that come from others interpretations, and emotions that come from viewing her work. 

Rose lives with a condition called usher syndrome, which is a degenerative eye disease which causes vision and hearing loss. Because of this condition it has pushed Rose to find and learn new ways to create,”I started a new series called “Blindfold Series”. I paint solely on intuition while my eyes are covered, which has brought really interesting results and the process has given me hope to continue creating, even without sight.” These paintings were put up for sale in an art show in Chicago. Rose had recently hosted an inclusive workshop called,” Art Without Boundaries”, where deaf and blind clients could learn how to paint with alcohol inks.Reflecting on her experiences with hosting workshops, she states,” As an artist, I love collaborating with clients through in-depth conversations that explore ideas and intuition, is a truly rewarding experience.” 

You can view some of Rose’s work here at The Grove Gallery, as well as her  Instagram: @rosetkmo  and Facebook page Rose Kamma Morrison – Visual Artist: . If you’re looking to get into direct contact with her you can reach her at or direct message her through her social media pages.